


Ei muuta sanottavaa kun et ei :)

life goes on, it really does.Tiistai 02.11.2010 05:55

this is one of these shitty days, one of
the days when memories come and crush
me down.

so many things i hide from myself,
you should know that i hate me from being
so fucking idiot to you and you remind me
with your voice in my head every single day.
when i can go on with my life, when you stop
killing me silently ?

I just want run, but it would be crappy thing
to do. but i know, sooner than later i will run.

still i know that i will tear everything apart,
i allways do that. i should forget, it was first
and last time that thougt myself, as now i
continue the same line as allways i live like
everyone wants me to live.

i'm such a mess.

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