
Cascada - I miss youTorstai 02.07.2009 15:42

Remember the time 2009,
When I grow up to see the sign,
Without you, I can't breathe.

I look upon to see the stars,
The Milky Way, the Moon and Mars,
I miss you, by my side.

Who will ever know the way?
If I came back to hear you say:
"I need you, in my life!"

All in all it's not too late,
Forget the past, try to create,
A feeling that can wait.

If you want I know it's not too late.

Remember the time 2009,
When I grow up to see the sign.
Without you, I can't breathe.

I look upon to see the stars,
The Milky Way, the Moon and Mars,
I miss you, by my side.

Who will ever know the way?
If I came back to hear you say:
"I need you, in my life!"

All in all it's not too late.
Forget the past, try to create,
A feeling that can wait.

If you want I know it's not too late.

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