
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 18:41

I sometimes feel my heart will burst
from wanting you so much
I can't explain in words of how
I long to feel your touch

There is no way I can convey
this emptiness inside
That seems to tear my soul to shreds
as time goes swiftly by

If I could merely hold you near
for just a little while
If I could simply talk with you
or only see you smile

To have you look into my eyes
and wait to hear you say
Something that would help me
to take this pain away

If I have to wait forever
I guess that's what I'll do
For me, it will be worth it
to finally be with you

A kissPerjantai 13.06.2008 18:40

A kiss tells more than words could ever say.
A kiss shows the love you feel each and every day.

A kiss starts out slowly and grows as you mature.
A kiss is so powerful and, oh, so very pure.

A kiss shows your feelings deep inside.
A kiss shows the feelings you sometimes hide.

A kiss is so strong it can last a forever.
A kiss is a magical way of bringing two people together.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 18:40

You are my melody, my note played just right.
From the moment I saw you
My heart gave flight.....

You are my melody, a sound so sweet.
The sound of your voice, the words from your lips...
Touch the very depths inside of me....

You are my melody, the tune that will always play
For you have opened up my heart with your love,
A love with passion that grows more and more each day...

You are my melody, my song that came true
My life is filled with so much joy,
Simply because... I fell in love with you.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 18:37

Why does it have to be this way?
If only we could be together,
But you don't realize that's what I want,
And I can't tell you myself.
My heart longs for you,
To have you hold me in your arms,
Keeping me safe and happy.
All I want is to be with you,
But the one thing I wish for,
Doesn't seem to happen anytime soon.
I feel so alone sitting in my room,
Just thinking about you, makes me sad,
As tears run down my face.
I cry for you, but you don't know that.
You don't even know what I'm feeling.
Or even thinking, if only I could tell you,
Instead, I sulk in my room,
Wishing to be with you, to have you all mine.
My heart could be yours, forever
If you'd let me give it to you,
But it doesn't even cross your mind.
Just the thought of you brings me pain
'cause I can't have you,
But happiness 'cause you've touched my heart,
Brought laughter and love to me.
Now if I could just make you mine,
My wish would come true.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 01:29


Ota laskin esiin!
Laske sitä mukaan kun luet.
Älä huijaa kattomalla loppua, tää ihan oikeesti toimii!
Etene siis kohta kohdalta ja hämmästy!

1. Valitse luku kuinka monta kertaa viikossa haluaisit seksiä.
(Mieluummin enemmän kuin yksi, vähemmän kuitenkin kuin 10)

2. Kerro luku kahdella. (Vähän röyhistelyä)

3. Lisää lukuun 5. (Sunnuntain kunniaksi)

4. Kerro saamasi luku 50:lla.

5. Jos olet jo viettänyt synttäreitäsi tänä vuonna
lisää lukuun 1756...
jos et ole, lisää 1755...

6. Nyt vähennä saamastasi luvusta syntymävuotesi (Neljä numeroa)

7. Plussaaa vielä kaksi.

Nyt sulla pitäis olla kalkulaattorissa (Tai päässä) kolmilukuinen numero.
Eka numero on se kuinka monta kertaa haluisit saada viikossa seksiä.

Seuraavat kaksi numeroa...


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.06.2008 21:15

She taught me,
How to smile...
How to trust people...
Relying on my companions...
Shedding tears for other people...
True strenght and kindness...

She taught me them all to me.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.06.2008 13:49

They say the ice will hold
so there I go,
forced to believe them by my act of trusting people,
stepping out on it,

and naturally it gaps open
and I, forced to carry on coolly
by my act of being imperturbable,
slide erectly into the water wearing my captain's helmet,
waving to the shore with a sad smile,
"Goodbye my darlings, goodbye dear one,"
as the ice meets again over my head with a click.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.06.2008 12:57

One lifetime,no
One family,no
One marriage,no
One engagement,no
One kiss,no
One hug,no
One touch,no
One word,no
One gaze from your eyes,yes
That is what I want

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 31.05.2008 19:41

Lupasit mulle ikuisen
Loppuun asti kestävän rakkauden
Mitään saanut en kuitenkaan
Pelkän ikävän ja tuskan vaan
Suhun luotin, sua rakastin
Olin hullu sen huomasin
Pelkkä lelu olin sulle vain
Hyväks käytit rakkauttain
Sä annoit ymmärtää
Että olisin jotain tärkeämpää
Kuin mitä olevani kuvittelinkaan
Sä sait mut nauramaan
Valhees toivat ilon mun elämään
Elämään, jonka heität nyt menemään
Lupasit mulle ikuisen
Loppuun asti kestävän rakkauden
Mitään saanut en kuitenkaan
Pelkän ikävän ja tuskan vaan
Suhun luotin, sua rakastin
Olin hullu sen huomasin
Pelkkä lelu olin sulle vain
Hyväks käytit rakkauttain
Sä annoit rakastaa
Takaisin en koskaan sitä saanutkaan
En vaikka muuta en mä tahtonutkaan
Kai liikaa uskalsin
Odottaa kun sua rakastin
Rakastin unelmin
Ja haavein ja tuhansin suudelmin
Sä lupasit sen