
....vai? Kuinka moni oikeasti tutkii mitä aineita rokotteessa käytetään ennen ku ottaa semmosen?

"squalene on eräs sika-influenssa-rokotteen vaarallisimmista aineista. Laajat eläinkokeet osoittavat sen alentavan tuhoisasti immuniteettiä. Myös Gulf War Syndrome/ Persianlahden syndrooma on tästä kammottava esimerkki.
Ikävä kyllä oireet kuten immuniteettikato, autismi ja Guillain-Barre syndrooma eivät näy hetkessä. Autoimmuniteetti-häiriöt joita H1N1-rokotteissa käytettävä squelene aiheuttaa, paljastuvat vasta vuosien päästä."

Lista H1N1-rokotteen aineosista
In addition to the viral and bacterial RNA or DNA that is part of the vaccines, here are the fillers:
• Aluminum hydroxide - directly linked to causing Alzheimer's disease
• Aluminum phosphate - directly linked to causing Alzheimer's disease
• Ammonium sulfate - an inorganic chemical compound used as fertilizer and "protein
purifier"; known to cause kidney & liver damage, gastrointestinal dysfunctions
• Amphotericin B - an "antifungal disinfectant" and anti-biotic, which damages the urinary tract, bowels, and heart functions
• Animal tissues (a causal element for all the various auto-immune diseases associated
with vaccination): horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick
embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, pig blood, Porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of
casein (the pig protein/tissue is an additional objectionable issue for Jewish and Muslim people)
• Calf (bovine) serum & fetal bovine serum (cow blood is recognized as a significant transmitter of Mad Cow Disease)
• Betapropiolactone
• Formaldehyde - used as "a preservative & disinfectant", known to cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body's immune system
• Formalin
• Gelatin
• Glycerol
• Human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
• Hydrolyzed gelatin
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - now known to cause cancer in humans, also linked to obesity
• Neomycin (anti-biotic)
• Neomycin sulfate (anti-biotic)
• Phenol red indicator - a highly toxic disinfectant dye, attributed to liver, kidney, heart & respiratory damage
• Phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) - proven to have extreme neurotoxic side effects
• Potassium diphosphate
• Potassium monophosphate
• Polymyxin B
• Polysorbate 20
• Polysorbate 80 – associated with infertility when injected
• Residual MRC5 proteins
• Sorbitol
• Sucrose
• Thimerosal (mercury) - a neurotoxin linked to psychological, neurological, & immunological problems—especially autism. Nervous system damage (such as sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), brachial plexitis, post-vaccinal encephalitis, transverse myelitis and peripheral neuropathies), kidney disease, birth defects, dental problems, mood swings, mental changes, hallucinations, memory loss, and inability to concentrate can occur. Symptoms also include tremors, loss of dermal sensitivity, slurred speech, and—in rare cases—even death and paralysis. This additive alone was the catalyst for another recent Class Action Lawsuit organized by mothers of children born with autism & the many related behavioral disorders associated with it. Autism is now occurring at levels never seen before in history; depending on the state, its rate is now 1 in 67 to 1 in 150. The autism rates used to be 1 in 20,000. Mercury may also be associated with the significantly increased rates of senility and Alzheimer’s, which is associated with five or more successive flu vaccinations. Although most mercury (thimerosal) has been removed from children’s vaccines, it is still in all flu vaccines at toxic doses.
• Tri(n)butylphosphate,
• VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells - linked to the SV-40 virus known to cause leukemia
• Washed sheep red blood cells
*This data is available via: icon

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