



Some quotations.Maanantai 26.04.2010 00:45

"Sickness can cause pain, pain can cause sickness."

"I'll walk, thus I can smoke as many cigarettes I just want to."

"I couldn't ever fall asleep if it isn't pitch-dark."

"If I'd set up my webcam you couldn't see a thing, I assume. Thanks to this sweet darkness around me."

"Well as you see, it gets in the way occasionally, but I love it."

"I prefer more synthetic music as my sweet and sad lullabies. If they'll make one cry, the better."

"That's one deep disappointment. But in the very end you're making me feel really sad."

"I though you wanted to have some so called fun."

"If you'll force me, I'll happily come."

"Sadness makes everything and everyone look sexier."

"That's the way we humans are just made, how pointless it ever would be."

"I could cry over the fact that you haven't cried because of music."

"Sadness is the way of my life, it's all I need."

"You missed the most pointless bass practice, so nothing for sure."

"There's nothing truly pure in this rotten world."

"I play some of those songs all the time so you might be able to get a chance to see that. And maybe even hear. What would be even worse, wouldn't it?"

"But it's all what life is about. Death, death and death."

"Rip Christopher Brennan, your poetry still lives among our dirty souls."

"Rest in my sorrow, love, I'll go now to cry alone and see if it would ease my pernicious pain."

"You optimistic conformist ass."

Dylan. ♥

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