


Voita ilmainen paita!Perjantai 29.07.2011 04:06

Käykää "tykkäämässä" SWPB:n Facebook sivusta! Siellä on kilpailu jossa on mahdollisuus voittaa ilmainen paita.

Sivu löytyy tästä:

Haastattelu!Torstai 14.07.2011 20:44

Zombie Juice Press interview with Jeremy Thirteenth

Bringing back a theatrical kind of music that tells a story, Snow White’s Poison Bite’s new album "The Story Of Kristy Killings" tells a haunting tale from anything from a horror story to a love story. Influenced by monsters and ghouls such as Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Munsters, SWPB is a modern—day Misfits with catchy riffs and clean vocals. Uniting their fans by creating “The Horror Crew,” Jeremy Thirteenth wants everyone to feel a part of something, especially apart of his horror family for all of the creeps.

-Zombie Juice Press.

1) What first got you interested in forming a band and creating music?

“I first really got into music when I started high school 'cause everybody was listening to gothic bands such as Cradle Of Filth and Children Of Bodom. My grandma bought me my first guitar when she found out that I was interested in music. I was never in any other bands growing up SWPB is the first band I’ve been in and I also formed it myself.”

2) How did you and your band members meet?

“I met the old members over the internet.”

3) For you is SWPB a hobby or a career?

“I can't really call it a career yet, but I hope that someday I’ll be making music for a living.”

4) What is your favorite song that you and your band have originally composed?

“I write all the music for this band myself, so it's hard to say what song I like the most. They all have a different meaning to me and are a big part of my life.”

5) Are there any specific people, artists, or bands that inspire you and influence your music?

“Everything inspires me in music, there is so many artists/people to mention. One of my biggest influences in music is my grandma.

6) Has being in SWPB changed your life, and if so, how?

“It has, and I’m so grateful for all the good things that have come from it.”

7) If there is any band you could share a stage with, and if so, who would that be?

“The Misfits!”

8) What is the most memorable thing that has happened with your band or at a show?

“We played a show with Alesana, and it was amazing.”

9) What is your favorite thing about being in a band?

“Making music and playing shows, but most importantly the fans (Horror Crew,) that's what this band is here for.”

10) If you could give advice to anyone who wanted to start a band what would that be?

“Always believe in your dreams and work hard for it.”

11) What gave you all the idea to start the "Horror Crew"?

“I want all the SWPB fans around the world to know that this band is a family and we're in it together. The Horror crew is a home for the kids who feel alone or have problems in their life. I want them to know that I’ve been through the same kind of stuff and that I’m here for all of them. It's a home for the creeps!!!”

12) If you could sum up your lifestyle in one word what would that be?


13) Why do people refer to you as Jeremy 13th?

“Jeremy Thirteenth is an artist name I created and it's the "evil" side of me. It's the side that says "I don't give a shit what you think about me" I just want to be myself, and I don't care what haters have to say about it. The skeleton face represents a messed up person and a person who's here for all the other messed up people.”

14) What kind of message do you try to send to your listeners?

“My message is to always follow your dreams and don't stop, no matter what people say. If you're alone, this band is here for you and always remember to be yourself.”

15) Are there any news or updates you'd like to give your fans and "Horror Crew" members?

“I'll be announcing new members for the band real soon and we will have new music coming also. I'm working on a new album and I can promise everybody that it's going to be more amazing than "The Story Of Kristy Killings" is. Last but not least, a BIG thanks to all the SWPB fans around the world. Join the Horror Crew 'cause we're in this together CREEPS!!!”

The new me!Maanantai 27.06.2011 01:19

Ei se ohi ole!Tiistai 21.06.2011 03:56

Pysykää messissä!

Virallinen tiedoteMaanantai 20.06.2011 19:22

Tässä on virallinen tiedote bändin tilanteesta: Lisää uutisia ja tulevat uudet jäsenet julkaistaan pian. SWPB:n show on vasta alkamassa!

Sleeping Beauty acoustic video!Keskiviikko 16.03.2011 22:26

Keikkaa!Keskiviikko 16.03.2011 19:34

Snow White's Poison Bite @ Your Move 30.5. Helsinki.
IRC-Galleria yhteisö: SWPB @ Your Move, Helsinki 30.5.2011

Debyyttialbumi "The Story Of Kristy Killings" pihalla nyt!

Snow White's Poison Bite internetissä:

The Story Of Kristy KillingsSunnuntai 13.03.2011 14:06

Jos levyhyllystä ei löydy "The Story Of Kristy Killings" levyä niin käykää noutamassa Levykauppa X:stä tai tilatkaa se himaan heidän nettisivulta.
Jos ei massii, niin eikun porukoilta kinumaan! koska niin mä tekisin :)
Post-hardcorea, punkpopia ja vaihtoehtorockia yhdistelevä Her Bright Skies saapuu ensimmäiselle omalle keikalleen Suomeen. Kansainvälisessä nousukiidossa oleva ruotsalaisbändi esiintyy ikärajattomalla keikalla Helsingin Gloriassa vappuaattona lauantaina 30. huhtikuuta.
Illan avaavat syksyllä debyyttialbuminsa ”The Story of Kristy Killings” julkaissut post-hardcore-yhtye Snow White’s Poison Bite sekä metalcore-bändi The Skyline. Tapahtuman järjestelyissä on mukana -verkkosivusto.
La 30.4.2011 Helsinki, Gloria
Liput alk. 11,30 € (ovelta 12 €), -S-
Lipunmyynti alkaa to 10.3.2011 klo 9.00
IRC-Galleria yhteisöön tästä:

Debyyttialbumi "The Story Of Kristy Killings" pihalla nyt!

Snow White's Poison Bite internetissä:

SWPB GalleriassaTiistai 08.03.2011 01:15

Käykää lisäämässä SWPB:n IRC-Galleria profiili teidän kavereihin niin sen kautta saa tuoreita uutisia helposti. Profiiliin on lisätty myös 3 biisiä niin käykää kuuntelemassa niitäkin.
Profiili löytyy tästä: SWPB
Kavereille saa toki kertoa asiasta! :)