
Huomenta Suomi, Hyvin pyyhkii.Sunnuntai 16.12.2007 08:04

Tänään heräsin viideltä, vaikka ei ees tarvinnut. :)
Kohta keittämään kahvia ja otan rennosti koneella. :)

aijaaaa....Torstai 06.12.2007 09:05

John Lennon: Happy Christmas (war is over)

"So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas "

...No, John. Thats New Year, thats New Year...

Elämä.Sunnuntai 25.11.2007 03:45

Päättymätön huuto-oksennus.

Tää on niin tätä.Perjantai 16.11.2007 04:06

Onneks ei pitäis ku olla hereillä 4 tunnin päästä. Onneks nukuttaa vitusti.
Onneks on vaikee heräillä aamulla. Onneks närästää.
-Fall apart- Nyyh!


Ai....Keskiviikko 14.11.2007 10:58

Ai pitäs mennä kouluu?


Blöb!Maanantai 14.05.2007 22:47

> Jenna

2. GANGSTA NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta etunimestä plus izzle.)
> Jenizzle

3. ETSIVÄNIMESI: (lempiväri ja lempieläin)
> Musta Kissa

4. SAIPPUAOOPPERANIMESI: (toinen nimesi ja tämän hetkinen sijaintipaikka)
> Susanna Työ

5. STAR WARS NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta sukunimestä, ekat 2 kirjainta etunimestä, ekat 3 kirjainta äidin tyttönimestä)
> LiuJeLiu

6. SUPERSANKARINIMESI: (toinen lempivärisi, lempijuomasi).
> Pinkki Kaffe

7. IRAQ-NIMESI: (1. kirjain etunimestä, 3. kirjain sukunimestä, mikä tahansa kirjain toisesta nimestä, 2. kirjain äidin tyttönimestä, 3. kirjain isän toisesta nimestä, 1. kirjain siskon/veljen nimestä, viimeinen kirjain äidin toisesta nimestä)
> Jusipka

9. INTIAANINIMESI: (lempiväri ja lemmikkisi nimi)
> Musta Sammakko

Whats Your Stereotype?Sunnuntai 13.05.2007 06:31

Whats Your Stereotype?

•[ ]You go/have gone tanning.
•[x]You own an iPod/mp3 player.
•[ ] You love Starbucks.
•[x]You have been called a brat.
•[ ]You have tons of shoes.
•[ ]You hate buying things that are on sale.
•[ ]You have a laptop.
•[ ]You love shopping.

•[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
•[x]You wear chains.
•[x]You like heavy metal.
•[ ]You've shopped at hot topic
•[ ]You have worn black lipstick.
•[x]You have/had/or wanted piercings.
•[ ]You own a pair of Tripp pants
•[x]You have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend.

•[ ]You can skateboard.
•[ ]You like plaid.
•[ ]You have/love Converse.
•[ ]You hate mtv.
•[ ]You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
•[x]You love mohawks
•[x]You LOVE Music.
•[ ]Hate people who pretend to be something they are not

•[x]You are depressed sometimes.
•[x]You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses. (In few weeks)
•[x]You cry easily.
•[>]You like emo music .
•[x]You've kept a journal/diary.
•[ ]You have written a sad poem. :S
•[x]You have dyed your hair
•[ ]You're sad when you're drunk
•TOTAL: 5½

•[ ]You like rap.
•[x]You have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc." (just now. ;))
•[ ]You have worn/wanted a grill. -
•[ ]You have had a freestyling contest.
•[ ]You have worn your shoes with the tongue flpped out.
•[ ]You've said the N word to a black person and didnt get punched
•[ ]You know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood
•[ ]You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant

•[>]You like loud music. (not in company)
•[ ]You love/like the Ninja Turtles. Teenage mutant Ninja turtles? ;D)
•[ ]You have/had slip-on shoes.
•[ ]You like Norma Jean.
•[ ]People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly
•[ ]You love to "hardcore" dance
•[x]Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
•[ ]You wear jeans a lot.
•TOTAL: 1½

•[ ]You LOVE The OC.
•[ ]You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog.
•[ ]Your usual outfits consist of pink.
•[ ]You like buying shoes A LOT.
•[ ]You say "awesome" at least once a day.
•[ ]You shop at Hollister.AE,and/or Abercrombie
•[x]Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
•[ ]You had/have big sunglasses.
•[ ]You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect.

•[ ]You watch the Superbowl.
•[ ]You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
•[ ]You collect jerseys.
•[ ]You have/ had special shelf for trophies a and awards.
•[ ]Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
•[ ]You belong/belonged to a team.
•[ ]You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.

•[x]You like putting little bows in your hair
•[ ]You have mini-skirts.
•[x]You have parted your hair to the side.
•[ ]You think polka-dots are way cute.
•[ ]You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
•[ ]You've been called scene before.
•[ ]You have dyed your hair a bright, neon color
•[ ]You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts/shorts

•[ ]Gone four wheeling.
•[ ]Went hunting.
•[ ]Owned a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike...ect.
•[>]Like to go fishing.
•[ ]Eat beef jerky
•[ ]Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
•[ ]Listened to the song Redneck Woman.
•[ ]Know who Bocephus is.

•[ ]You wear band shirts alot.
•[x]If people down talk metal you down talk their favorite music.
•[ ]You like bands like As I Lay Dying, Lamb Of God, and All That Remains.
•[ ]You HATE emos.
•[ ]You love Black Sabbath.
•[ ]You have gone to Ozzfest.
•[ ]You like to headbang.
•[x]You don't like rap.
•[x]You have a taste for classic rock as well.

Emokootti! Whippee!

•The 1 that you have the most X's under will be your title!!•
Repost this as "whats ur stereotype?"