IRC-Galleria 28.03.2007 21:03

"If weakness is a wound
That no one wants to speak of
Then “cool” is just how far we have to fall

I am not immune
I only want to be loved
But I feel safe behind the firewall

Can I lose my need to impress?
If you want the truth, I need to confess

IÂ’m not all right
IÂ’m broken inside
And all I go through
It leads me to you

Burn away the pride
Bring me to my weakness
Until everything I hide behind is gone

And when IÂ’m open wide
With nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on

Honestly, IÂ’m not that strong

And I move closer to you

IÂ’m not all rightÂ…thatÂ’s why I need you"

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