
ohio is for loversSunnuntai 31.08.2008 00:34

Hey there
I know it's hard to feel like I don't care at all
Where you are and how you feel
With these lights off as these wheels
keep rolling on and on
(And on and on and on)
Slow things down or speed them up
Not enough or way too much
(And on and on and on)
How are you when Im gone?

And I can't make it on my own
(And I can't make it on my own)
Because my heart is in Ohio

So cut my wrists and black my eyes
(Cut my wrists and black my eyes)
So I can fall asleep tonight or die
Because you kill me
You know you do, you kill me well
You like it too, and I can tell
You never stop until my final breath is gone

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