
Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 10:37

Nyt väsyttää.

Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 10:24

Mä taidan muuttaa Klai forniaan, jun siellä saa ainakin munia rauhassa..

Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 09:19


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.06.2006 08:39

Nyt niitä soi kaksi.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.06.2006 08:38
Ja tämä on soinut kohta 40 min.

Ja edelleen hereillä.

Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 08:04

Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!
Who loves the chocolate?
Everyone loves the chocolate!
Nobody hates the chocolate!
'Cos everyone loves the chocolate!

<3 !

Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 07:28

Ei jaksa mennä nukkumaan. Olen vähän pahis.

Ör.Torstai 29.06.2006 04:48

Kyrvät soikoon nyt kun ihmeiset ei osaa ite keksiä mitään omia juttuja, kaikki sanonnat ja kaikki pitää muilta ottaa. Yhyy. Haistakaa Jeesus.

Ör.Keskiviikko 28.06.2006 05:49

Olenko nyt vähän pahis, kun valvon vielä? Siis vau, en oo ikinä valvonut näin myöhään! HAHA. Repikää siitä perseenimijät!

Ör.Maanantai 26.06.2006 02:01

Voisiko olo olla surkeampi? Niin kamala ikävä rakasta, että ihan itkettää. Haluan Jessen viereen..
*Jessen paidan imppaus*