


'cause you never know what life's gonna give you~

the GazettE-CockroachMaanantai 09.03.2009 17:51

I am moving on a deep and muddy bottom and
wearing unrecognized feathers. Am I 'attractive'?
The 'unreasonable' action suits me, doesn't it? That's fine. I'm living, spoiled very fuck'in doubter!

Natural born trash human
Natural born worthless fellow
Natural born rebel spirit
It is as good as rotted oranges

I stretch my arm and stare off a far wall.
Do you see this muzzle that aims at your head now?
Now by this hand in a free cockroach some time
Do you see this muzzle that aims at your head now?
I am seen, in the future when you fall on ground...

I wanna believe that I can reach it if I stretch my arm.

Natural born trash human
Natural born worthless fellow
Natural born rebel spirit
It is as good as rotted oranges

On muutes hyvä biisi.

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