


'cause you never know what life's gonna give you~

"Zutto zutto wasurenai kara"Tiistai 13.10.2009 11:18

(Okei, tämähän on sitten kaikkien aikojen viimeinen biisi mitä Gazetolta tullaan kuulemaan.. Ja sellaiseksi Ruki lyriikatkin kirjoitti, if you can see.
Kuuntelin musiikkia randomilla ja tuo tuli. En muistanut kuinka kaunis biisi tämäkin itseasiassa oli.)

The Gazette - Wakaremichi (Translation)

I loved you a lot, but it's time to part.
Everyday was full of quarrelling.
I have to live alone from now on.
I won't cry anymore.

Truthfully, it's harsh, it's painful and lonely.
But that's because you're pretending to be strong
I'm sorry. I was stupid to think we could smile till the end
Even though I just want to cry.

I quickly understood, because I've seen many expressions up till now.
It's not that we've lost interest, but rather than losing sight of each other
It's better to say "Do your best" and walk our own separate roads

Farewell, see you again, be well.
I'll never never forget
Farewell, we'll definitely meet again, right?
It's a promise, we'll link our little fingers as a sign

8th of July, our third month anniversary.I wonder if you remember
The time we first met?
You, looking down in shame, were crying...

Those were enjoyable, inevitable days.
It was short, but we were happy.
Even though we were happy...

I quickly understood, because I've seen many expressions up till now.
It's not that we've lost interest, but rather than losing sight of each other
It's better to say "Do your best" and walk our own separate roads

Farewell, see you again, be well.
I'll never never forget Farewell, we'll definitely meet again, right?
It's a promise, we'll link our little fingers as a sign

Hooking little fingers in a promise, you said 'Just a little while more, don't take yours away'.
One day, when we can laugh again, as two people who won't miss each other...
One day, when we can laugh again...
(If I turn around you'll see my tears, so waved with my back facing you.
I'll never forget. Don't change, and stay as the you whom I love.)

Farewell, see you again, be well.
(I'll never never forget)
Farewell, we'll definitely meet again, right?
(It's a promise, we'll link our little fingers as a sign)
You, whom I love, became a precious memory.
It's lonely to the point of death, your voice won't leave my mind

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