


My plug in baby, Crucifies my enemies When I'm tired of giving, My plug in baby In unbroken virgin realities, I'm tired of living!!!!!
If he disagrees with music producers, it is because they are wrong.
He once was accused of harassing a female fan who was upset because he would not keep harassing her.
He’s a lover, not a fighter, but he’s also a rocker, so don’t get any ideas.
Even his parents’ advice is insightful.
The Muse fan shirts with him on the front never wrinkle.
The sold out stadiums where he performs can be seen from outer space and aliens often tune in.
He once spanked a female magician on stage. That’s right. You heard me.
If a monument was built in his honor, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame would close, due to poor attendance.
His pillow talk is years ahead of it’s time.
The toughest rock-stars in the business have been offered to fight him and all flat out refuse.
He has only fallen off of stage to dismount.
He has been known to cure women of frigidness, just by walking into the room.
When it is raining at his concerts, it is because he is sad.
Even if he forgets to put postage on fan mail, it gets there.
He once had an uncomfortable moment at a concert, just to see what it was like.
When Matt does his jumping turn arounds or his shuffle, it is actually the earth spinning beneath him, not the other way around.
His cereal never gets soggy. It sits there, staying crispy, just for him.
When Matt Bellamy passes a mirror, there is no reflection: there is only one Matt Bellamy.
Women want him; men want to be him.

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