If something isn't undead, and it isn't really a spirit, and it isn't really a demon, what is it? The best word we can come up with is "monster." Now, this is a fluid category, we'll grant you that. But to us, a spirit is something that died and refuses to leave. A demon is something that lives in hell and only comes topside to spread pain and chaos. And a revenant is something dead that won't lie down.
The other kind of sucker's a monster
The word "monster" comes from the Latin monstrum, which means - well, it means "monster," but it also means "portent" or "omen." Bad sign. From a root, monere, that means "warn." People used to think that monsters were signs of impending disaster. Our experience has been a little different. We think that monsters are disasters all by themselves. Nothing impending about them.
Ja joku väittää, että mä oon sekoomassa :'D
Miten niin?
Eikö oo ihan normaalia odottaa törmäävänsä monsteriin koska tahansa?
Eikö oo normaalia opetella latinaa osatakseen manata demoneita?
(okei en mä sitä tee, ainakaa viel)
Mut kuitenkin :D tää on mua, ja tää on kivaa :D
Et sori, oon outo, hyväksykää se :p
Eläkää sen kanssa. :)
Kiitos Miljulle ja Thomakselle eilisestä :) Oli kivaa, kakkonen sit aikanaan ;)
Ootte kultasia molemmat. <3