


hyvän maun rajoissa.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 12.04.2007 23:30

"Taitaa tulla aika seisomapainotteinen kotimatka..."

..joskus puoltoista vuotta sitten ;) <3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.04.2007 00:26


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.04.2007 01:29

Aika läppä päivä.

T: "No hyi! Nyt multa meni päiväunet!"


Ja niitä neekerikääpiöitä jotka saa äidin sängyn hytkymään :D <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.04.2007 02:44

Kiitos Sunrise Avenue! Oli upee keikka :)


Ja kiitokset myös Strawelsille ja Heijasteelle :)

-Se kimalle, eiku hohde, eiku heijastin-
<3 Kulta oot ihanin.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.03.2007 23:42

Kristiina! Miksi sun piti raiskata se ainoa The Rasmuksen kuunneltava biisi!? SIIS EI VOI..!


ps. kattokaa lauantaina Ritarin tarina. tulee neloselta klo 21 muistaakseni. EHKÄ PARAS IKINÄ! :D

We will, we will rock you! <3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.03.2007 00:15

-Verisesti himovihainen-

;) <3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.03.2007 16:47

"Jätkä pussasi muijjaa!"
"Siis vähänkö homoa!?"


Theeee siimpsoooons.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.03.2007 23:21


mm. Severille, Pekolle, Sannille, Tanjalle, Sannalle ja Alenille Perjantaisesta lataamosta :)

Mikalle, Ellulle, Jonnalle, Marille, Askolle, Annille ja mummulle lauantaista, varsinkin mummulle illasta :)


mummulle sunnuntai aamusta
Thomakselle loppupäivästä :)

Oli kiva viikonloppu, KIITOS!

:) <3


Ja Thomas, vuosi 11 kuukautta. ;) -2kk. :D <3

kulta, oot tärkein :)

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 16.03.2007 17:28


ettäniin, tai jos on löytäny sen nii... ilmotelkaa..

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.03.2007 22:49

"With You All The Time"

I live beneath the heart
I watch you from the dark
I'm every breath I'm every dream
I've known you forever
I've followed you everywhere
I'm every scar I'm who you are
When you think you're alone
When you cry cos the world's unfair
You can rest assured I'm always there

Even when you feel like you don't belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

I'm walking round the room
I'm laughing when you smile
And when you cry I cry too
I made you a promise
That I shall forever keep
You're on your own but not alone
When you're down and you're out
And the world tells you no-one cares
You can rest assured I'm always there

Even when you feel like you dont belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

Save a little love for me
You'll see
Save a little love for me
You'll see
Save a little love for me
You'll see
And you'll see

Even when you feel like you dont belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apar
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time


Pappa. <3 ikävä sua, mut tiiän et oot siel jossain. <3