


GLOOMY GRIM/Fleshred@Darkside 19.12.2009

Lisää arviotaMaanantai 19.05.2008 12:07

This is a release to remind us that itÂ’s not only love metal the music that the Finnish can play! GLOOMY GRIM is an awesome act that moves in between black and death metal, paying dues to their main influences of the past such as VENOM, HELLHAMMER and BATHORY, always according to their own bio. I cannot claim the opposite, apart maybe from the fact that they bring it a step further. They are not a new band; they have already released four albums, all under Holy Records. The first attempt in the long-distant past, back in the 80s under the moniker of Hellstorm is said to be the first black metal formation in Finland. They finely mix CRADLE OF FILTH and OLD MANÂ’S CHILD, they are of the same level as bands like DIMMU BORGIR and IMMORTAL, and they are similar to ABYSSOS. It started as a one-man band by Agathon and today it is a quintet that has much experience in music, through extended touring. The atmosphere of their majestic metal is magical. You can get easily trapped in its melodic web. But the truly hard thing they have succeeded in is of keeping a good balance between this and the old school metal, the raw oneÂ… I am not a black metal fan, but by listening to such epic pieces of art, I could easily become one in no timeÂ… it surely has a lot of horror movie elements, as Agathon is a fan of this kind of films and he used to use as such in the past, when he was on his own and he made the first two demos by himself. I am quiet impressed and about to listen to it many more times. Well done guys, you can consider me a fan of yours from now on!
Ville Vallo sucksÂ…

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