


Kesällä remutaan ja talvella nukutaan, eiks se näin mee <:

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.09.2009 06:42

And when the night falls in around me
I donÂ’t think IÂ’ll make it through
Ill use your light to guide my way
Cuz all I think about is you

And all these days I spend away
Ill make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When itÂ’s all too much to bear.
And when the night falls in around me
I donÂ’t think IÂ’ll make it through
Ill use your light to guide my way
Cuz all I think about is you

And all these days I spend away
Ill make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When itÂ’s all too much to bear

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