
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.09.2008 02:01

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. <3

randomii :DKeskiviikko 21.05.2008 14:03

Metsästetään vapautta, jota ei meille vielä ole olemassakaan
odotellaan tulevaisuutta, jota ei näin voi saavuttaa
riisu pois pelkosi, luota minuun kokonaan
jos joskus itket, ei sun tarvii kääntää pois katsettas

helpompaa on kahlittuna, kuin kahlita itseään
onko sulla jäljellä enää mitään menetettävää?
olenko sulle vain sellaista unelmaa, jota jos koskettaa se katoaa?
olenko sulle vain hetki joka ajassa unohtuu?

Sisältä kipu korventaa, muttet anna sille valtaa.
Kuin jääpatsas hiljaa katselet, kun lähtee tutut ihmiset.
Tilalle muuttavat uudet, ei silti silmäsikään värähdä.

Joitakin jo vihaan, osaa voi viel rakastaa.
Joihinkin vaan tuhlasin mun aikaa, mut ei voi menneit muuttaa..
Enkä ehkä tahtoiskaan.
Täältä pienestä vankilasta, sun vapaus näyttää taivaalta,
mut harva osaakaan arvostaa, sitä mitä omistaa.
Enkelin mä tahtoisin kädest pitäen ohjaamaan,
mut jouduin tajuumaan et yksin täällä vaeltaa.
Ehkä joskus pieneks hetkeks matkaseuraa saa,
mut ennenkuin mä huomaankaan, tie meidät erottaa.
Olit mulle joskus enkeli, sen pienen hetken vain.
En tuu sua unohtaa, muistoo vaalin sydämessäin.

jos ottaa liikaa kamaa tulee ns. ouverdous.

Liekkis toit liian lähelle, syttyi hiukset palamaan.

Älä ota tälläkään kertaa, älä myy sun sieluas.
Älä anna sille valtaa, tee itse omat valintas.


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.05.2008 16:41

Nahkatakkinen tyttö.

randomMaanantai 19.05.2008 12:03

Fullmoon shines upon us, you drive the car, it's night.
I hold your hand and the roses you gave me
what more could I wish for than your love?
You increase the speed, loves liften us up
looking straight into my eyes you drive.
You crash the car and when I wake up
you lay next to me but you're already gone.
There's blood all over you're still holding my hand
I take the last breath, and follow you.

just a questionMaanantai 19.05.2008 11:48

that protective wall you've built around yourself..
those answers I never get..
the things about you I don't yet know..
what are you so afraid to show?

random pretty stuffTorstai 10.04.2008 16:31

I once heard a song about a man
who wouldn't give a chance
for himself to find true love
or the girl to find safety in his arms
'couldn't stop myself thinking
about you, me us.

The things you said,
the thoughts I read
the thing we had
was just like that
The song of a man,

Either one knew what to do
either one knew how to proceed
what they wanted what they hated
still the same, they didn't know.

The puzzles pieces just wouldn't fit
they couldn't take a single hit
It fell apart, they lost the love
Beautiful world, happy ending, gone.

Walked over their own happily ever after.
Both lost and alone.
It's the coin, flip it.

Everywhere I see your face.
All the time I feel you near.
Everytime I remember you
Or when we meet
I love you more I thought I could.
Now I miss U .

*Keskiviikko 26.03.2008 18:57

They try to chain us down,
take our freedom
take our strenght.
Make us part of the machine
taking orders from them,
make us all blank.

They start trying
to make you settle down,
go to school
then do the things at home.

She just never heard those words
not when said, not in her head.
Just kept going, living too loud
just does what she wants,
she's a rebel.

Takes what she wants
Gives back if pleases
Don't care what they say
Pushes them to the edge
Don't need gods.
Does no prayers.
Shes a rebel
Rebel forever!

Brainwashed, hypnotized
some might do as is told.
Some just won't become
that way chained down,
we're gonna stay
Stay like this
do as we please
Stay frorever free!


randomTiistai 25.03.2008 10:28

There he stands, he's being so tuff
with his head full of drugs, that's just a bad bluff.
With that smashed, and drunk driven car
he doesn't really look like the smartest one.
Still being so tuff,
making up stories to the cops.

I stand and watch him
get into the car.
That's kinda sad,
those desicions he's come up.
Driving the car
in an excess of mom's drugs.
Doing that just
to feel a bit alive.
Poor thing.

With penalty tickets
of drunk and cardless driving,
lying to the police,
keeping friends awake
at the middle of the night.
Going locked up for the night.
That's not a way to live a life.
Or anyway not mine,
I'm going for my dreams,
Up high.


HideMaanantai 17.03.2008 12:36

Just a girl
lost, alone, fallen,
crying, - wishing to push you over the edge.

Not smiling ,
not forgiving,
just avengin - the pain you caused.

Be aware
she'll come for you.
Lock the door
loose the key,
so no one will know
how to get to you,
or know where you are,
maybe she won't find you!

We we're told
she's coming for you
thought you should know...
Hide before she finds you!

She'll come to destroy, she'll come to avenge
She'll open the door for the demons of hell
They'll find you, they'll get you, so run
run for your life.


oldie :)Sunnuntai 16.03.2008 16:03

A long time ago,
with you i felt home.
..but something went wrong
I chose the wrong road.

You're still in my mind
after all these years I find
I still ain't home
since you ain't here
the times spent with you
I miss them now.

I find I changed along the way
the road I chose took me away
from you and all the safe feeling things
I needed the feeling of danger
I see the crossroad in front of me again
the singns say again: "home" and "away".

Come to the crossroad, lead me home
I'm only missing you when you're gone.
I made a mistake, just forgive me that,
tell me you love me, tell me you need me
that's all I wanna hear, all you need to say

-(after you left, everything went wrong)-

You showed me you loved me
you held me tight,
back then everything was alright.
With you by my side
I would never fear a ride.

-(cant count how many nights
I stayed up thinking about you, us)-
