


Son of a preacher man

Alkmaar, NetherlandsTorstai 20.09.2007 18:17

Hello from the Netherlands to all my readers!

writing in English cause these guys don't have our scandinavian letters on the keyboard, a'ight?

So, this wedding party was cool,
it lasted until 5am. In a way it was nice to have a late party like that, but on the other hand it just made me angry and grumpy towards the end because of sleep deprivation <suru>
I just woke up, after a nice 8h sleep... I reeeaally needed that guys! I had like 5 hours of sleep since Sunday (that's 3 days ago), so you can only imagine how tired I was, unless you actually try it for yourself.

Anyways, off to some breakfast with beer (and other weird substances) now, buhbyeee!

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