
Torstai 21.06.2012 21:31

Woke up and I feel like shit
I don't remember last night, I'm gettin' sick of this
I hit the bottle when I got off stage
And got piss drunk stupid and went in a rage
I think I mighta got into a fight
Because my knuckles were bloody and I don't feel alright
I hit the bottom and I don't even care
Some say I'm going to hell but I'm already there
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Now I'm full of guilt and shame
I can't point a finger cause there's no one to blame
So I say I'll never do it again
But when the sun goes down, you are my only friend
I'm thinkin' I am starting to see
I have become everything I never wanted to be
I'm really gettin' sick of myself
'Cause when I look into the mirror, I see somebody else
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you

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