
-Tiistai 23.10.2012 18:09

I followed the rules 'til the volume knobs broke
I'd stand beside the P.A. all night
As the old saying goes: If it's too loud you're too old
I like to do things right
But it's a quarter to ten and I slept in again
I can't hear the alarm clock go off
You can scream in my ear but I won't hear a thing
even if you dropped a bomb, because it's...
Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud
You can kick and scream blow your top and blow off steam
Don't matter 'cause I won't hear shit
Don't think for a second that it doesn't bother me man
Going deaf is a son of a bitch, because it's...
Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud
And the louder you swear it gets
The more I know I'm going deaf
'Cause it's...
Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud
Because it's...
Never Too Loud
It's Never Too Loud

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