
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.

Faith in believers
who trust everything.
With their hand held out
over their heads.
together with disapprovers
until the end.


It's not who excluding the..
Idea of stranger appearance.
That arose from
cohesion which it goes mad

If i think about it
in the emptiness of mutual slaughter
The holy struggle called Karma
Is associated with hatred

Those who say goodbye
and disappear are
speaking of the reality of death.

They become shadows and can never return,now.
Staring at the stubbornly locked up heart.

Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.

Faith in
It's funny that things such
as good and evil exist in this world
Mankind's foolish feund,after all.


It's not who excluding the...
Idea of stranger appearance.
That arose from
Cohesion of which
it goes mad.

Jihad inside..
A tragic scene though it sees
What do you think?

If I go mad within
the emptiness of mutual slaughter
the holy struggel called Karma
Ideals that went according
to the planned scenario
Are a joke.

They become shadows and can never return,now...
Will the person that toys with fate be revived...?

Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.
Just Jesus pray,jihad spell.

Joo. *thumbs up* alan oppia pikkuhiljaa. 8D
ihuna kappale.~

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