
A.F.I - leaving songPerjantai 25.07.2008 04:21

Walked away
Heard them say
Poisoned hearts will never change
Walked away

Turned away
In disgrace
Felt the chill upon my face
Cooling from within

Hard to notice
Gleaming from the sky
When youÂ’re staring at
The cracks

Hard to notice
What is passing by
With eyes lowered

Walked away
Heard them say
Poisoned hearts will never change
Walked away

All the cracks
They lead right to me and
All the cracks
Will crawl right through me

And I fell apart

As I
Walked away
Heard them say
Poisoned hearts will never change
Walked away

Turned away
In disgrace
Felt the chill upon the face
Cooling from within

Kuka tän antokaa/pyys mua lataa.....
löysin Ipodilt ja tää oli yks niit joka sai mut itkee raskaasti..

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