
Now when it's all over
There's nothing left to say
Those sweet words we shared
Seems to melt away
You made your decision
Now it's time for me to
Get out of your way

But I promise I'll be there
Whenever you're in need for help
Just call out to my name
And I'll be right there.

I never thought we
would end up like this
I never saw
That your love was
all that I could ever miss.
My hands are shaking
And my head aches with the words
I couldn't make to come true.

Now when we're apart
And our words has
faded into the thin air.
They're left to the angels to sing.
Now i realize and whisper
"This was so unfair."

I need you here with me
But you walked away
Now it's all up to me
Should i leave?
Should i stay?

But whenever you need me
I'll be right there
Even though I wouldn't exist
in this world anymore
I promise I'll come to you
Whenever you call out to my name.

I promised I'd love you
Forever, I still do.
I'm afraid to lose you
Even though I know...
I've already lost you.

But in my dreams
I'm walking in the moonlight
my hand in yours
You keep smiling
And bringing my soul
back to this world.

But you must leave when sun begins to rise
When I open my eyes
And think of you
You're somewhere out there
With someone new.

Do you still remember me now?
Years has passed.
It still seems like it was yestrday.
When you pulled me down
And whispered
"I love you.
Forever I do."
I never get to know
If those words were true.

But now when you need me
I'm here with you
Even though you can't see me,
I'll be here forever, i promise you.

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