


☆~ You Can't Wrestle Swordfish in Tampa ~☆

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 31.10.2008 02:17

"Sad boi commits a suicide"

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 30.10.2008 23:46

I hate lack of self-respect.

I Hate People I Can't See Through :/Torstai 30.10.2008 02:01

Thieves And Villains - Dry Throats UniteKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 02:47

ThereÂ’s a part of me that begs you
It kicks and screams
Not a damn thing I wonÂ’t do
Intentions for the best
I could use a little less of the smoke
This life is set

So IÂ’ll tear this place down
Fuck it
IÂ’ll make my way out
Listen to the swell of the sounds
To hear me tear my voice out

Some would say weÂ’re mulling over this
I‘d like to think sparking thoughts
And making up
Just who am I to pick
For your sake
IÂ’m caught between a rock and a new face

Tear this place down
Told you IÂ’d make my way out

Wait to tell me
Western winds will only blow you
As far as the home you wonÂ’t face
And thankfully IÂ’ve had fill

Of the sin from all this business
A break from backing
What lifeÂ’s been lacking
I swear itÂ’s been clean fun
But IÂ’ve packed my shit up
And hit the road to run

Wait to tell me
Western winds will only blow you
As far as the home you wonÂ’t face
And thankfully IÂ’ve had fill

The wind
IÂ’m done with everyone
I thought you would agree when
Dry throats unite IÂ’ll try to sneak you in

Wait to tell me
Western winds will only blow you
As far as the home you wonÂ’t face
And thankfully IÂ’ve had fill

The part of me that begs you
It kicks and screams
Not a damn thing I wonÂ’t do
Intentions for the best
I could use a little less of the smoke
This life is set

So IÂ’ll tear this place down
Fuck it
IÂ’ll make my way out
Listen to the swell of the sounds
To hear me tear my voice out

The wind
IÂ’m done with everyone
I thought you would agree when
Dry throats unite IÂ’ll try to sneak you in

Brighten - Treasure IslandKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 02:41

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

What's your price..
Tell me what your price is

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

Let's hope tonight,
there is hope tonight.
Talk is cheap with your words hunny
I can smell your breath
and it smells like money girl.
Could you ask for anyhting?
You couldnt ask for anyhting.

Call out these money makers
they have guns and their firing
Gunned down by bloody pirates
whose ships we could not sink.
Seas change in all directions
These mouths arent worth the time
Big Wallets give protection,
and safe pockets never lie.

Talk is cheap with your words hunny
I can smell your breath
and it smells like money girl.
Did you ask for anything?
Did ask for anything?
Did you ask for anything.
Did you ask for anything

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

Your words bank for broken tempers
security and car alarms
the words themselves do not mean much
but we take the sound with open arms
Tears fall at the sound of laughter
Like they never even knew at all
and love has what moneys after
the gold teeth have fooled us all.

Treasure Islands on her list of
future desitnations but
little did she know.
I am furiously digging for the treasure chest shes burried,
was hers to own, but shes all alone.

Talk is cheap with your words hunny
I can smell your breath
and it smells like money girl.
Did you ask for anything?
Did you ask for anything?
Did you ask for anything.
Did you ask for anything!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.10.2008 01:45

Psilocybe SemilanceataTiistai 28.10.2008 04:14

h4rd 71m35Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 14:05

En oo ehkä ikinä ollu henkisesti näin maassa...

Onks onnellisuus liikaa vaadittu?
Ei elämä oo mitään ruusuilla tanssimista, mut ei sekään voi olla hyväks mielelle ja kropalle et on kyllästynyt kaikkeen 24/7.
Yhtä pimeää luolaa koko elämä..
Sitten kuin viimein saa hetken verran olla onnellinen, tajuaa, miten tyhjä elämä oikeasti on ja murtuu taas uudestaan.

Usein tuntuu, että oon juuttunut juoksuhiekkaan. Elämä toistaa itse itseään.
Oonko kenties laiska, vai vaaditaanko multa liikoja?
Olenko ehkä masentunut tai tottunut pääsemään liian helpolla?
Mulle jatkuvasti vakuutetaan "ylemmältä taholta" että oon huono ihminen, ja ehkäpä mä oikeasti olenkin.

Keskeinen ongelma on motivaation puute. Ei jaksa ryhtyä mihinkään ja liian usein tulee sanottua ihan sama. Mitä ikinä sitten tekeekin, homma on useimmiten juosten kustu.
Sitten piiskaan itseäni piikkilangalla kun teen jonkun virheen. Kaikki syyttävät minua, ja minä itseäni.
Ei anneta edes mahdollisuutta, että vika olisi jossain muussa.

Arjen täytyisi olla enemmän ruusuista. Joka päivälle jotain, jonka avulla jaksaa eteenpäin. Asian ei tarvitse olla millään tavalla erikoinen. Pelkästään jonkun ihmisen näkeminen voi saada hyvälle tuulelle, kunhan asian kokee läheiseksi.

On kurjaa herätä huomiseen ja ajatella: "Kappas. Elän tän päivän pois mahdollisimman nopeasti. Ehkä hyvät asiat tulevat sitten joskus tulevaisuudessa."

... kukaan tätä edes jaksa lukea, saatika sitten ymmärtää, mutta vaikeeta on ...