


Mikä tää sydän juttu on? :D Kiitoksia sydämist!

~~ Broken ~~ Perjantai 05.09.2008 18:53

I am the broken
glass on the floor

I am the broken
glass that you threw

I am the glass that
won't never be fixed again

I am the broken one.

And I am the lost one,
the unable to be fixed one..

The glass where
the tears see the end

(C) Ceira - 2008-2010
(inspiraatio iski)

The Tear Counter
when I cry

I put a tear
to a glass

The glass
shall remind me
of the pain

<i> the pain that
you caused to me

It counts the
so I can
see on my golden age
how much you own for me

Still I'm waiting
for the apology

Still waiting
for the day I can
empty my glass
and take all the
tears back

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