


~ J'aime la petite mort ~

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.04.2012 04:33

And with every single day that passes slowly by us
There's nothing I can do, nothing I can do for us
I will always love you, and I'll always think of you,
But I have to tell you now

Oh, somewhere deep in my heart it's raining,
The clouds are remaining
to drown me away from you
I'm driven but I've had enough
Our broken heartache's still here
It seems that no matter what,
it simply won't disappear.

The bond between us is already broken
there's too much unspoken
We're falling so far apart
Goodbye my love it's done sweet heart
Sayonara, it's the end
It is time to depart and we will never look back my friend.

Just this one time, oh, this one time
If I could make a wish upon a fallen star
If it came true, I'd stay with you,
Always forever, you and I together

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