


From Norway, Taiwanese= Taiwan, not 3rd world like Thailand plzzzz.....

UNkNOWNSunnuntai 26.08.2007 15:06

Jeg need to work hard for few choices... UCLA, UC Riverside, Cal state San Bernartino,
some schools in japan, finland, seattle, or the east coast.
Feeling so helpless, lame, in the mid west :P WHATEVER!
It's been a while since uncle died, if he is still around he might begin to joke about my school,
" oh! i thought you are gonna learn how to like a farmer or an red neck thats why you chose to go to school in Nebraska XDDD " or " Are you crazy ? In the mid west its like you are gonna eat cow poop the whole life time! Even my son who lives in Dallas and making a ton of money would never make business with those people from Nebraska, he told me they are really lame." Mum took care of him a lot while he was at the final stage of his liver- cancer, and she even paid for the fee, and everything. Auntie did that, too. Although he failed twice in the business, but he never forget how to look at us and say " I am so proud of you, no matter what you are doing, i always think you are brilliant human being." Sorry uncle, i couldnt attend your funeral, i should have been there/ :(

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