


From Norway, Taiwanese= Taiwan, not 3rd world like Thailand plzzzz.....

once again... cooking again!XDSunnuntai 07.10.2007 23:50

yesterday... somehow just had this a whacky idea for cooking.
so then i kept bogging Jesse to drive us to the grocery shop to get some shitz.
then yay, time to start making some mexican poppers( a fried jalapeno wrapped in cheese, something like that), and the lovely funnel cake which many people would say... there's so much fat in it! Well, i exercise daily so not a problem :D
while in the process of cooking... we stopped, decided to go out and play american football with some guys a bit, haha... it was FUN, lovely catch and runnnnnnnnn
ahhh, after that we went back to the kitchen and finished the cooking then... DIG IN brovas!
and now on tv... Toronto Raptos v.s Virtus Roma for NBA europe tour!

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