


parodioi ihmiselämää omallaan
Personal statement:

"All I've ever done, said, published, thought up, achieved by not doing or saying; All my life; All definition; All material; All materiel; including and not excluding all mentioned or left unmentioned here, material and immaterial, goes under Creative Commons [hence fourth, unless other exclusion apply]. A whole life dedicated to the best of mankind in a form most suitable. Be advised, I may now be the first person alive to have dared such a statement."

So here goes:

I hereby license all aspects of my life, with all concepts and work related, which could be interpreted as something someone could have a copyright to, within my authority, under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA, till further notice. The CC license is irrevocable. Parts of this statement are severable, with the license still applying.

Signed 26.4.2009

What a mouthful. So it has been done.

Info on the CC license:

Tietoa suomeksi:

Upd. As of May 2010 the license has been revoked.

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