
Lihasrelaksanttia ja Vesa KeskistäTorstai 03.02.2011 04:16

Nollat taulussa niinku Vesa Keskisellä suorassa lähetyksessä. Arvostukseni Tuurin omaa poikaa kohtaan on saavuttanut uuden huippunsa. Ilmiselvästi herkkä, haavoittuvainen mies, kyllä nuo runotkin sen kertoo, äänikirjana ostaisin, jos julkaistaisiin. Edes englannin kielioppi ei estä Vesaa ilmaisemasta syvimpiä tuntojaan näin ihanalla ja taiteellisella tavalla:


My heart is bleeding because of this missing. The sky is crying and it is blowing like hell right now.

Missing, missing, missing. I am missing You. Only You, my Sweetheart.

It is dark - dark like there is no future. It is raining and blowing outside. Beating my house by lightning and thunder. I am alone in this empty village – no friends, no relatives, merely my only love inside of me. You is so far away.

The only light in this darkness is your picture on my home office table. The picture of the Love I love.

Just waiting for Mr Sandman to take me to sleep. To see dreams of my Love. Sweet, nice dreams with You in harmony. But in vain. In vain!

It is still raining and blowing outside – even more than ever before in our history. Alone in loneliness.

Maybe Mr Sandman has forgotton me – I am thinking. I am alone – no love, no caring. Just alone in the empty village – no friends, no mother, no father, not my true Love. You are my special One. Maybe Yoy are sleeping, I thought and fell asleep.

I know my Love will be waiting for me to see You in your own country and in front of Your family.

Then the sky won't cry anymore – no clouds and no cold rains.

It's hard to believe – my life has been the Destiny's merit. I am grateful of all that come from the bottom of my heart.

Missing my love!

-Vesa Keskinen

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