


Right now I don't give a f*ck

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Miyavi-papamama english lyricsTorstai 14.06.2007 13:25

Like you like me, so I hate blood and I won't be just like you

Papa, mama, grandpa, sister... I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Teacher, the lady next door, Tarou, I'm really sorry

As if the fuckin' days had disappeared (Mr. Gaddess)
Wanting to die everyday (Mr. Gaddess)
[Hey God, I wonder if I've done something bad?]

Enough, enough already
Stop it, back off, just leave me alone


Papa went to the mountais, mama to the rivers and I'm still alone
Hey, why did papa and mama have sex?

My cold ears say good-night (Mr. Gaddess)
My dampened pillow says good-morning (Mr. Gaddess)
[Hey God, where is my home?]

Enough, enough already
Stop it, back off, just leave me alone

Notice me, look back to me, embrace me


sopii niinku just mulle tällä hetkellä <3

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