


Right now I don't give a f*ck

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.09.2007 19:39

Welcome to the "Spicy HORROR"
who killed? who killed? who killed? mommy?
Welcome to the "Damian's HORROR"
13thfriday MURDER'S SHOW!!
Welcome to the "Sensual HORROR"
who killed? who killed? who killed? daddy?
Welcome to the "Spicy HORROR"
spicy joke MURDER'S SHOW!!

Bad in fluence shit program!
Bad in fluence communication!
Bad in fluence scum program!
Bad in fluence more bad in fluence

Hey Hey gibbet a head of news caster
Hey Hey trash society!
Trash social SUCIDE party
Hey Hey gibbet a head of SURPER STAR

"Fuck social" mad murder's TV show!!

Bad in fluence shit program!
Bad in fluence communication!
Bad in fluence scum program!
Bad in fluence more bad in fluence

Hey Hey gibbet a head of news caster
Hey Hey trash society!
Trash social SUCIDE party
Hey Hey gibbet a head of SURPER STAR
"Fuck social" mad murder's TV show!!

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