


while you'll be sinking in the ocean I'll be in my space ship still alive

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.12.2009 20:25

It feels like thunder
Wind is slowly digging in

It kinda makes me wonder
About the lovers that have been
Lying on my bed with her hands tied up
I knew it all along that it wasn't enough
'Cause when I gotta taste of you
I found something I can sink my teeth into

It's the pain that never heals
It's the deepest cut you feel
It's the thing in you that feeds
The animal in me

It's the darker side of lust
It's the other side of us
It's the thing in you that feeds
The animal in me
The animal in me

I wanna feel your last breath
Before we suffocate
A kiss you can't forget
Like a wedding on a rainy day

The chills keep shooting down
The back of my neck
Like a freight train
Pounding in the pit of my chest
'Cause when I got a taste of you
I found something
I can sink my teeth into


It's the darker side of lust
It's the other side of us
It's the thing in you that feeds
The animal in me

refrain (2x)

It's the darker side of lust
It's the other side of us
It's the thing in you that feeds
The animal in me
The animal in me

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