"'What´s down there?'
'You´re supposed to know, sir.'
'Your name is Schroeder?'
'Yes, sir. Arthur Schroeder.'
'That´s fucking funny.' The soldier said nothing as Yossarian studied him. 'Were you ever in the air corps?'
'No, sir.'
'How old are you, Schroeder?'
'I´m a hundred and seven.'
'That´s a good number. How long have you been here?'
'Since 1900.'
'Hmmmmm. You were about seventeen when you enrolled?'
'Yes, sir. I came in with the Spanish-American War.'
'These are all lies, aren´t they?'
'Yes, sir. They are.'
'Thank you for telling me the truth.'
'I always tell the truth, sir.'
'Is that another lie?'
'Yes, sir. I always lie.'"
Closing Time<3 Minä tahdon lukea tämän alkuosan, Catch-22:n. Mieluusti englanniksi senkin, kun kerran tämänkin, hassulta tuntuisi yhtäkkinen kielenvaihdos.
Nälkä, en ehtinyt päivälliselle koulutustilaisuuden takia. "Työvapaa", hieno sana.