
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

love the boys <3Lauantai 09.02.2008 17:11


Hey everybody, how are we all today? We've had an epic day. We all fell out of bed and went for our first surfing lesson, it was awesome and we all managed to get up, however there was alot of wipe outs! Then me and danny met this guy who invited us to go and play some football (or soccer, as its called out here) and had a cool time.

I wish i could thank you all individually but i just wanted to say that i'm reading all your comments when you make a donations on the website and i'm so gratefull for your support. All the guys say hi, Dougie is currently sitting on the sofa with tissues up his noise (feathered pillows apperently!) whilst watching a wildlife programme! Tom is messing around with his new camera and who knows what Danny is doing?!

So long, farewell la da da da da da da

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