
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

DIE DIE DIE BITCHKeskiviikko 14.05.2008 00:52

you can be fucking nice to him
you can fucking spend time with him
you can fucking surf
you can fucking skate
you can be as fucking lovely as you want
you can be so fucking perfect to him
but you should know that
i dont fucking give up
he's mine
so youve got no fucking chance
well yes he likes you so fucking much
but ive fucking warned you
you should be fucking scared on the day
that he fucking leaves me because of you
maybe my worst fear is so fucking true
he doesnt fucking love me the way he loves you
im like a fucking second mum
youre his fucking girlfriend
fine,be then
but to me,youll always be the bitch who plays so innocent and steals my boyfriend
dont try to play nice, i dont fucking like you
we cant be fucking friends why dont you get it!

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