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lol tom :DKeskiviikko 01.10.2008 17:52

The first thing Tom Fletcher does when he turns on his computer every morning is to go straight to Google News, where he types in the name of his band. "I Google McFly a lot, once a day, to see what people are writing," says the singer and guitarist. "I love reading interviews that we've done and seeing how we come across, and thinking, 'Mmm, maybe we shouldn't say that again.'"

ja sitten taas aww :(

Dougie Poynter, McFly's bassist, has a rather different approach to practicalities. Poynter, now 20, was only 15 when he joined McFly, and things went so well that he abandoned his GCSEs and bought a swish flat. He had been living there for a year when the bailiffs came round. "I opened up all my letters and saw that they [the utility companies] were going to take me to court," he recalls. "I had to ring them up and say sorry. I just thought someone else had done it for me."

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