
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

liesMaanantai 01.12.2008 21:24

don't pretend everything's alright
it definitely is not
i may be jealous, but it's not the only problem right now

i would say stop telling me lies
you've been honest yeah
but what are the empty promises?
they're lies too aren't they?

i can't tell you how i feel
but soon i won't need to
you'll know i'm angry
that'll be enough

stop giving me promises you can't keep
it hurts me enough to think how things would be
i don't want to be hurt anymore
i definitely deserve more
than just words with no meaning

you may love me
i know you do
but it doesn't help when you still make me feel insecure
it would be so easy just to let go
but why would i make things easier for you?
and yeah,i still do love you

don't want to hear you're sorry
it doesn't make a difference
why is it always me fighting to keep you with me?
if you really don't want to
go ahead,leave
it'd be better than see you lie to me
cos you can't have it all
you need to make choices
so choose now.
i'm getting so sick of this.

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