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FIRST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunnuntai 08.10.2006 18:31

"Current mood: hyper

Back at the hotel now after the first night of the "Motion in the Ocean" tour! And it was amazing! Just wanna say thank you so much to anyone that was there! We had such a laugh! Didn't know what was going on half the time coz it was the first night and stuff always goes wrong! But the crowd was awesome!

This tour is already 10 times better than the last one and its only just started!!!!! I am very sorry for Dougies foul mouth...we dont accept any responibilty for the stuff he says or does on stage!

Hope you all had as much fun as we did and couldnt believe the reaction we got for our new songs! I could hear people singing along to "Star Girl" already!

Looking forward to starbucks frapacinno for breakfast and then sleeping on the tour bus on the way to Birmingham!

x "

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