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jealous much?Lauantai 17.11.2007 02:09

Its not very often you get to..
Stay in the same hotel as McFly , Hang out with them and their support group till 4am , See Danny Jones completey wasted , Touch Dougie Poynters sof hair which "the girls digg" haha,run from the police with Dougie Poynter,get pictures taken by Danny jones,See the lead vocalist from saving Aimee run down the street naked, see dougie poynter get punkd ,watch the new oasis video with a VERY drunk Danny,get tolded you have nice boobs by dougie poynter , give him £6.10 for fags and be in the same lift with him on your way up to bed!

voi helvetti joillai on onnee,kiva sammy jo ;s

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