


A rabbit hearted girl, frozen in the headlights

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SydämentykytyksiäSunnuntai 25.04.2010 03:39

Sain. Nyt. Ensin tästä:

"Jude Law who was for my opinion bit too pretty to play Watson... Or too pretty to play any man..."
"Do you have pieces of the suit for, like, homeuse?"
"Oooh, homeuse!"

"I don´t know, maybe they don´t trust me or something... It´s not like I would do something kinky with it"
"He is just sheer physical beauty. If there's a more beautiful man on the planet, I haven't seen him yet. I don't normally like men with beards, but even I would have to snuggle up to yours.... And maybe spoon a little bit."
01:00 --->
8:40 --> Kuolema. Nauruun.

...Ja sitten Indican kuvagalleriasta:

Ehkä mä joskus omistan elämän, Mo.
Ja tykkään Riikasta. Ja ankoista.

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