


Half of smokers die coz of tobacco, but life takes everyone

How far can idiocy go?Perjantai 31.03.2006 10:19

Randy Cunningham, vaalien alla otti teemakseen Irakin sodan ja päätti lähteä Irakiin "Truth Tourille". Internet -sivuillaan hän julkaisi kuvan jonka alla luki:
"we took this photo of downtown Baghdad while we were in Iraq'' which is "much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be. But, each day the news media finds any violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it -- in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism.''

Paitsi että kuva oli otettu Turkissa eikä suinkaan totuuskiertueella Irakissa.

- Piski

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