
yip wii Maanantai 06.10.2008 18:22

i spent... all day playing Brawl, God of war and some twistedly sick bloody game that Nick brought along with his new xbox 360... oh blood and gore!!!!
i know... i hate the wii... but i.. will maybe borrow it and play brawl... i'm liking it more and more.. i STILL hate the control of the WII, but... hmm... i'm still a one eyed PS fan though!!!!
Annika asked me to come to the brawl/melee meet. i might ask Nick to come and be my partner n_n he's pretty good, so is hanna. but i think i would have better chance of getting nick to come... apparently i'm too "OP with Ike, and i lub 2 Spam eather up" yeah ok....but i know IKES like.. .mega power!!!! but he's so fucking slowwwww!!!!
i only have... 500 euros left for the next two months...
i dont know if i can go to helsinki if i want to be able to eat...
i hope i can make a few 50's on the 18th, i have been doing some copic art for it, and some prints. i'm not like OMG amazing.... but hey i'm not that bad either!!
if i can make up the money... animeseminar will be my helsinki money to go and reurn.. so i need to make.. 120e at least for the tickets.. and anythng after that will be movie tickets and fooooodd!!!
i think there is somehting wrong with me... i'm so hungry and i'll eat.. and still be hungry... i'm like endless!! how am i not weighing 100kgs? i have no idea... but i understand why i dont weight 60kgs XD which would be so so so cool! i wanna weigh 60!!!
i doubt i'll ever get it, i'm always going to be a little bit fat, but meh... oh well.

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