
D:<Tiistai 14.10.2008 17:38


WTF my toeTiistai 14.10.2008 14:50

IRC deleted my toe
"Jos kuva on verinen, raaka tai antaa väkivaltaisen vaikutelman, se on valitettavasti sopimatonta materiaalia IRC-Galleriaan. Kuva poistettu."
bye bye toe

sooo yeah...Tiistai 14.10.2008 00:12

well yes today was ok.
i talked with mert for a while he'd been away in helsinki (clearly) and haung with Capi. we went to art school and drew.... alotta stu-ff so yesss.
oh, actually, cappi took me near tuira and we looked at the lights in the water, it was so nice and they were so so so many differnt colours, it was really cool, i wish i had had my phone or camera on me to take a picture cause they were really pretty.
tomorrow i'm apparently going to go and buy high school musical 3 tickets, woot! i might buy a mama mia one as well. people said they would go with me, but that was a while ago, so i dont know, i might go alone. i seems to spend more and more time on my own now, i'm actually avoiding being in big groups. i think its because i'm so tired all the time, i have to pretend to be awake haöf the time, i think its more of a stress issue with visa's and other crap.
i cant wait for tomorrow though, me and cappi r going to get my kitten X3 <3<3<3<3<3 i'm so exsited. i'm forbidden from having cats in australia... via mother dearest. i really really want a fluff ball, like really fluffy. i have alwasy wanted a white cat... but either one of those two would be nice, or maybe i'll take the first furry face i fall inlove with XD. if i do get the kitten tomorrow... i'm gonna celebrate and cook lots of good food and watch movies and have fun... or.. should i wait till next week when everyone has the school holidays... hmmmm... so many desisions...
i hope i sell some art, i really wanna see Akseli again and Anna and Jaane. they were so cool. and when i go down maija is meant to be there so maybe i shall go see her and Hiu (miu) too<3

weelllll.. today was .. yeahSunnuntai 12.10.2008 05:04

so yeah didnt get a whole lotta game play done tonight.... as bunnie.. tiia rabbit.. well he snuffed it (died) poor old thing. so me, tiia and capi.. went out in the dark into the ... forest and i dug a hole, a fucking deep hole, which was still not big enough and we had to.. squash the box we had him in into the hole, and we didnt have a shovel.. we had an ice breaking pole and my hands, oh yes taryn did the digging. i was wet and covered in dirt, so we had to come back and change clothes before going to melee at about.... 7:45.
got there... they were in the middle of the melee competition so we had to wait a while, but the was one tv with brawl, so me and capi played using the wii controllers... not recomended DX
so yeah, i won more games then i lost amazingly, i just reallly struggled against Juuso.... he's not bad, almost as good as mert i'd say, but HA like mert, i won, i won once, and he wouldn't let me leave... Ohhh no, would not let me leave until he beat me one more time lol.
we went home, drew.... watched Dreamcatcher.... me no like, it fucked with my heaad D8
so it was an intresting day. I also believe mert has a text-a-phobia... a fear of texting to me in english..
tomorrow i have a gym class and then i come home and draw and watch more TV.
soon, we will get a kitten, oh sweet joy this is all i have wanted in like 4 years!

Brawl my ass baby!Lauantai 11.10.2008 20:53


show meLauantai 11.10.2008 19:12

i saw the most true saying to how i think today.
"A picture speaks a thousand words. Its not enough for you to tell me i need you to show me"
i thought.. wow thats so true. I'm sick of people telling me what they think and how they feel. grow some balls, show me.
this message rings true to at least 5 people i know right now!

dead..edTorstai 09.10.2008 14:11

i had THE most horrible dream last night. that i died. and i didnt get to live my life and i never got to see all the people i love... i died in a drunk car accident... i dont think i will get into another car again i was so scared when i woke up and sweating and omg it was horrible!
omg... i'm a copic whore now D:)
what ever went wrong!
and now... i just ... love brawl... i'm sick i tell u!
2 things i always said i would never try and now... i'm slightly addicted DX Nooooooo!!!!
i'm going to get fat... because we keep eatng such good food XD w are having drawing sessions at my appartment at night and some one cooks. last night as me, we had chicken tikka masala with capsicun and rice. 2night is capi's turn, and she doent feel like cooking so she is buying every one chinese!!!! yay... yep... i think i like being fat n_n i'm soft and hugable. who wants to hug a bony stick or sleep next to one, i'd be scared i'd poke my eye out on a rib.
hahah we also watch australias next top model and USA's every night while drawing... OMG i know alice wins in the aust verion... OMG SHE IS ANNOYING! "ahhh the musics too loud.. ahh i dont know how to cuddle... ahhh i always look sad and bored... ahh i'm stressed... ahh i'll get burnt... ahh i'm tired" NONE stop she whines and whinges!!! i wanna smack her one!
i like Annika... she's easyer to listen to ... and in the american one, the twins rock!!!
but we also watched dragon heart 2! or Vilmeinen lohikäärme 2 in finnish i think. its so weaaak and pathetic... but we just had to watch it XD
i wonder what we should watch tonight. we're all working on art to sell on the 18th at Valve\nuku whatever. so if u wanna porn up some of my stu-ff come see's. i have a few originals for sale as well as prints n_n

yip wii Maanantai 06.10.2008 18:22

i spent... all day playing Brawl, God of war and some twistedly sick bloody game that Nick brought along with his new xbox 360... oh blood and gore!!!!
i know... i hate the wii... but i.. will maybe borrow it and play brawl... i'm liking it more and more.. i STILL hate the control of the WII, but... hmm... i'm still a one eyed PS fan though!!!!
Annika asked me to come to the brawl/melee meet. i might ask Nick to come and be my partner n_n he's pretty good, so is hanna. but i think i would have better chance of getting nick to come... apparently i'm too "OP with Ike, and i lub 2 Spam eather up" yeah ok....but i know IKES like.. .mega power!!!! but he's so fucking slowwwww!!!!
i only have... 500 euros left for the next two months...
i dont know if i can go to helsinki if i want to be able to eat...
i hope i can make a few 50's on the 18th, i have been doing some copic art for it, and some prints. i'm not like OMG amazing.... but hey i'm not that bad either!!
if i can make up the money... animeseminar will be my helsinki money to go and reurn.. so i need to make.. 120e at least for the tickets.. and anythng after that will be movie tickets and fooooodd!!!
i think there is somehting wrong with me... i'm so hungry and i'll eat.. and still be hungry... i'm like endless!! how am i not weighing 100kgs? i have no idea... but i understand why i dont weight 60kgs XD which would be so so so cool! i wanna weigh 60!!!
i doubt i'll ever get it, i'm always going to be a little bit fat, but meh... oh well.

I still love you- here we go aganMaanantai 06.10.2008 18:13
ohh i love these song, its both really sad and really passionate at the same time <3<3<3<3