


--->Olin ihminen, mokasin..

Voitko kuvitella?Torstai 17.04.2008 22:34

Tänään kuuntelin Negativea, katselin vanhoja kuviani täällä galleriassa ja luin sun kirjoituksia...

sinua kaipasin ja itkin kun tajusin olevani aivan yksin... </3

Negative: Angel won´t lie

Another wasted moment
Realising weÂ’re not real
Can you hear the angels calling
When night is young and silence comes?
You touch my face
And I break down

Dreaming on
Tonight we are safe and free
Under the wings in the safest place
I close my eyes for a while
And you are there
We fly behind the stars
Where the distance ends

IÂ’m sleeping with eyes wide open
YouÂ’re my eyes when I am not there
These everlasting angels calling
It canÂ’t be real
This must be a dream
You touch my face
You set me free

When night is young and silence comes
You touch my face
And I break down
This canÂ’t be real
This must be a dream
You touch my face
You set me free

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