


--->Olin ihminen, mokasin..

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.02.2009 02:08

Cherry Blossoms

The beauty of the cherry blossom truly grows when one studies the meaning behind it. Different Oriental cultures attribute different meanings to this delicate flower:

"For the Chinese the cherry blossom is a very significant symbol of power. Typically it represent a feminine beauty and sexuality and often holds an idea of power or feminine dominance. Within the language of herbs and herbal lore of the Chinese the cherry blossom is often the symbol of love.

For the Japanese the cherry blossom holds very different meaning. The cherry blossom is a very delicate flower that blooms for a very short time. For the Japanese this represents the transience of life....

The fallen cherry blossom is not taken lightly in Japanese symbolism either. It often represents the beauty of snow and there are many connections made in Japanese literature or poetry to a fallen cherry blossom and snow."

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