Noora ♥♥ 1 #
Ethän sä ikinä
kadota tuota katsetta?
Mitähän sä vielä kantaa voit
korkealla kun noin sä soit
Ei mitään tuu niin painavaa
et se sinut musertaa♥
Rakastan ! ♥ Luotto!♥ Lottovoitto mulle♥
Riina ♥♥ 1 #
Tall, dark, and Superman
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me
He's got his mother's eyes, his father's ambition
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
I hang on every word you say
And you'll smile and say, 'How are you?'
And I'll say, 'Just fine.' ♥♥
Luotto!♥ rakastan!♥ Lottovoitto mulle♥
Janna ♥♥ 1#
and who do you think you are
running round leaving scars,
collecting your jar of hearts,
and tearing love apart,
youre gonna catch a cold
from the ice inside your soul
so dont come back for me,
who do you think you are?♥♥
Luotto!♥ sulle kerron ihastukset ja kaiken!♥ RAKASTAN!♥ lottovoitto oot♥
remember how to put the back the light in my eyes.
i wish i had missed the first time that we kissed
cause you broke all your promises
and now your back
you dont get to get me back♥♥
Luotto!♥ Rakastan♥ Lottovoitto oot
Alma♥♥ Paras koira♥ 26.12.2010-->
Do you love me?
I love you now and for-ever.
I love the way you like.
I love the way you run.
I love everything about you♥
Lottovoitto!!♥♥ Rakastan♥
Elvis♥♥ Paras hamsu♥ 15.8.2010--->
Sä oot mun lottovoitto
muut tahtoo rahaa
mut mä tahdon sut
oot rakas
mun oma
tosi soma
elä ota
osta oma♥
Rakastan♥♥ Lottovoitto♥
^ ^
Ei järkässä! :) et pääse ;)