
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

  • . 19.08.
  • . 21.07.
  • . 15.06.
  • . 11.06.
  • . 03.05.
  • . 22.04.
  • . 18.04.
  • . 18.04.
  • . 17.04.
  • . 17.04.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

.Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 20:33

I'm not dead just yet
I'm not dead I'm just floating
Doesn't matter where I'm going
I'll find you
I'm not scared at all
Underneath the cuts and bruises
Find the game where no one loses
I'll find you
I will find you
I'm not dead just floating
I'm not scared just changing
You're my crack of sunlight

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