


★☆★☆Why I should be there for you, fuck off and get a life!! ! ☆★☆★☆

Submersed - HollowTiistai 21.07.2009 22:59

To you
I'm all I've left undone
I'm all I haven't won
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up

You take
The breath you didn't make
What's left you did forsake
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up my soul's so hollow

You can make me scream internally
You can make me breathe eternally

You see
The things I cannot change
The things that make me plain
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up

We've made
All from the sum of none
All that we have become
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up my soul's so hollow

You can make me scream internally
You can make me breathe eternally

You can make me scream internally
You can make me breathe eternally

Fill, fill what's in me
Fill, fill what's in you
Fill, fill what's in me
So my soul's not left so hollow

You can make me SCREAM
You can make me BREATHE

You can make me scream internally
You can make me breathe eternally

You can make me scream
You can make me breathe
You can make me scream
You can make me breathe, me breathe

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